Join us Saturday, April 20, at the GlockStore, located at 1930 Air Lane Drive
for a fun evening of networking and shooting sports!
Support the Davidson County Republican Party as we build our membership and resources in support of candidates, and fire a fully automatic sub-machine gun.
Doors open at 5:30p and the event will kick-off at 6:00p.
Ticket/Sponsorship Options:
Networker - $50
not shooting
entry in our giveaway of a G43X pistol
Table Host - $150
10 seats, not shooting
Shooter (choose 2 of 3 activities) - $100
Glock Experience
Low Light
entry in our giveaway of a G43X pistol
VIP - $250
all activities above
plus sub-machine gun shoot!
entry in our giveaway of a G43X pistol
All participants in shooting activities will receive safe shooter training.
Win a G43X Pistol
All shooting attendees are invited to participate in an optional drawing for an engraved G43X pistol.